Determining the energy pay-back period



Zafirakis D., Fragos P., Kavadias K., Kaldellis J.K.

Lab of Soft Energy Applications & Environmental Protection, TEI of Piraeus




On the numerous small and medium-sized islands of the Aegean and Ionian Archipelagos one may encounter several thousands of remote consumers unable to appreciate a direct electricity utility supply. In this context, the utilization of photovoltaic driven stand alone systems instead (e.g. PV-battery system), comprises an appreciable alternative to be considered. Managing to dimension a PV-battery stand alone configuration shall ensure the coincidence of energy production and energy demand, thus improving the PV plant’s electricity generation profile. Apart from the appropriate selection and dimensioning of such a system, the determination of its actual contribution in terms of sustainability is thought to be of equal concern. More precisely, in the present study, an investigation concerning the ratio of energy required during the construction, installation, maintenance and final decommissioning of such schemes to the useful energy output guaranteed on a life-cycle scale, shall reveal the real energy balance effectiveness of the configurations considered. For this purpose, combinations of commercial photovoltaic panels in collaboration with selected battery storage systems examined shall designate the most attractive of the solutions in terms of energy payback.



Keywords: Photovoltaic; Battery; Stand alone; Energy payback period

